
As a child, I took everything literary. Even now, I do realise that as a youngster, I simply didn’t see everything in black and white. My inborn love for literature didn’t allow me to and today, that has not change a bit. I had read a lot of fancy play stories as a very young child but it was not until I was 8 years old that I came across “The Incorruptible Judge” the first literary book I ever read. My English teacher recognised my love for literature and and writing which I hadn’t at that time and  asked me to write a shorter play out of it for a school play.  I was just 8 years old and that was the highest kind of appraisal anyone could have given me. Reading that book became  an eye-opener for me and writing that play awakened the author in me.

This blog will be an eye opener for all, I will be introducing to-  as well as enlightening you on the world of literature ( Books, poems,music, movies), fashion, art, dance and last but not the least I would be giving you and insight on the woman I have become . I am a personist. I would have referred to myself as a feminist but I seize to do that. This is because, in the world of today when fighting for a cause, it is important to acknowledge who you are fighting for. Acknowledging that I am a feminist makes me feel like I am leaving men behind and so, I decided that I will be a ‘ “Personist”- A person who believes in the the equality of all persons, regardless of the sex or lack of, sexual orientation, religion, race, tribe, caste, skin tone or whatever it is that could be seen as a difference between two person.’

As for who I am, that doesn’t matter. However, you can call me “The personist”. 


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